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Dormouse Officer: Amanda Lloyd

Amanda has over fifteen years practical experience of wild mammal surveying in the UK and is an experienced bat surveyor. She has previously been the chair of the Berkshire mammal group

Favourite mammal(UK):

Event Admin/Support: Joe malyan

Joe is a newly trained graduate ecologist/conservationist from the University of Reading and now works as an Assistant Countryside Ranger for Bracknell Forest Council. He is growing his experience of surveying UK mammals, starting with some of the smallest, including pygmy shrews, dormice, and harvest mice, and hopefully ending, one day, with lynx or wolves?!

Favourite mammal(UK): Pine Marten

Acting Vice Chair and Website: Ewan Davies

I'm a computer programmer, but with a lifelong interest in wildlife, conservation and ecology. I also work with Sangha Lodge promoting ecotourism in the Central African Republic and their Pangolin conservation and research program.

Favourite mammal(UK): Weasel